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FGVW Annual General Meeting
22nd June 2023
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Adrian Coltman, Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Adam & Carol Bull, Steve Jones-Blackett, Jenny Page, Teresa Williams, David Lumb, Trevor & Diane Kitto, Jeremy Kitto, Janet Leveridge, Paul Ellis.
1. Apologies for Absence
Apologies for Absence: David Miles, Malcolm Robertson, Sue Harris.
2. Minutes of AGM Held 22nd April 2022
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
- The top path has been discussed and the Group hope to make progress on it in the next few months.
- The Risk Assessments are due for annual review at the end of the month. No material changes required.
4. Trustees Annual Report and Annual Statement of Accounts (1st January 2022 - December 31st 2022)
The Trustees Annual Report & Financial Statement can be downloaded below:
Copies of the Trustees Annual Report & Financial Statement for the year ending 31st December 2022 were circulated amongst the Group.
Martin went through the Trustees Annual Report and gave his thanks to many of the volunteers. Adrian also thanked Martin for his services as the Chair on behalf of the Group.
Voting Results: Unanimous acceptance of the Annual Report and Statement of Accounts.
5. Future Projects
A discussion on members thoughts on areas for projects or developments for the enhancement of our work in the valley in the future.
Phase 2 of the lake project will start in September and there may be some work to do stemming from this.
The meadows need cutting during September.
The hedgerows need managing and the Group discussed buying hedge cutters. Mervyn agreed to investigate.
The path near Allerton Grange Way needs attention as it hasn't been looked at for many years. It is difficult to access and is on a slope so a proposal was put forward to get some advice and maybe funding for the Council to do it.
A tree has come down on the FunDay field and needs attention.
6. Vote to Appoint Trustees of FGVW
The Group voted unanimously for Adrian Coltman to remain as a Trustee.
7. Any Other Business Permitted by the Constitution of the CIO
- The Group discussed the traffic calming proposals that are currently under consultation in the Gledhow Valley area. This involves blocking some of the roads leading onto Gledhow Valley Road. There was no consensus amongst the Group with some for and against the proposals. However, everyone was in agreement that some form of action needed to be taken. The volume of traffic, speed and pollution levels are unacceptable. As a Group there was a consensus to raise concerns and ideas for Gledhow Valley Road and for individual members to raise their own personal concerns about parts of the proposal. The Chapel Allerton Chat on Facebook provides views from many residents. The Group also considered buying a speed camera for Gledhow Valley Road to gather statistics on speeding and propose speed reduction measures.
- David L is currently investigating a piece of land in the woods that does not have a registered owner. The Group has agreed to proceed with the process to become registered owners. The Group has been maintaining the land since 1996.