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Minutes of Steering Group Meeting
13th June 2024

Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Adam & Carol Bull, David Miles, Adrian Coltman, Steve Jones-Blackett, Theresa Williams, Jeremy Kitto, Liz Brightwell.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 2nd May 2024
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Action Mornings
  5. Trustees Update
  1. Phase 3 Update (Bamboo and Knotweed)
  2. Green Fair - One Day Closure of Gledhow Valley Road
  3. Gledhow Summer Fair 2024
  4. AOB
  5. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

David Lumb, Claire Johnson.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 2nd May 2024

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • Phase 2 is nearly complete. The pond in Beck Pasture has drained as the patch put in after it was vandalised has failed. We are hoping to get some "puddle clay" to try and fix the problem. The Group has also received the final invoices.
  • David L is looking for someone who can do tree sculptures.
  • Some of the plugs planted in Beck Pasture were pulled up by magpies but have now been replaced.

4. Action Mornings

  • Sunday 12 May 2024
    Low attendance. Wildflower planting and hedging was completed opposite Beck Pasture.
  • Sunday 16 June 2024
    Hedging/dead hedging needs to be kept at around 5ft in height so some pruning is required. Also, some tree thinning to be completed as well as litter picking. The laurel near the lake has been cut back so there is now light getting to the dead hedge around the lake and some of it has started to grow. The Group will investigate if a live hedge can be put in. There are also some fallen trees to take care of. The posts and hand rails on the steps near Little Switzerland have rotted. The Group need to look if they can be fixed or if we need to get a contractor to do it. The Group also need to buy some specialist tools. Volunteers to meet at "Martin's Meadow" at the end of the lake.

5. Trustees Update

  • The Trustee meeting was held on 14th May and the minutes were circulated afterwards. A date has been agreed for the AGM of 27th June 2024. The Treasurer's Report needs to be sent to the Charities Association after the AGM.

6. Phase 3 Update (Bamboo and Knotweed)

A site meeting took place to discuss the plan to clear the bamboo and knotweed near the junction of Gledhow Valley Road and Gledhow Lane with Leeds City Council, Flood Risk Management (FRM) and Groundworks. Gledhow Lane may need to be closed for 2-3 days during the off-peak time of the day as it is in a complex area. The Group are looking for additional funding to cover maintenance for the next 2-3 years to keep the area clear after treatment. Q-Tex will put a barrier around the site to prevent the bamboo and knotweed from spreading. Work will start in September/October 2024.

Martin agreed to contact the Area Manager to ask if other areas of Japanese knotweed are going to be treated.

Karen Duncomb will do an extensive survey of the area beforehand and again 6 months after the work has been completed to report on any changes to biodiversity.

7. Green Fair - One Day Closure of Gledhow Valley Road

The event will take place on Sunday 14th July 2024, 11am-4pm.

63 volunteers have now come forward following a request on social media and via e-mail. David is drawing up a rota and guidance will be given to traffic warden volunteers. Barriers will be put in place on the roads and advanced notice of the closures will be put up from 1st July.

580 people interacted with our Facebook page so other activities at the Green Fair will also be promoted in this way. This will include booking bike repair appointments and information on the competitions being run by the Chapel Allerton Allotments and Gardens Association.

Some draft information sheets were circulated prior to the meeting for comments. Some members had fed back that there was a huge number of spelling errors and typos, and pointed out where the information was factually incorrect. There was a lot of debate as to whether it was appropriate for the Group to be associated with the information posters. Some of the posters asked for the public opinion on cycleways and activities in the wood that the Group did not and would not want to take responsibility for. As a Group we do not have a policy around things like this and the FGVW Chair suggested removing FGVW from the relevant information posters.

This led to a wider and emotional discussion around concerns that had also been brought up at the Trustees Meeting. There were worries that the aim and objectives of the Group had changed and that it is time to have a break after the last of the large funded projects is completed. Many members of the Group want to go back to basics such as path and plant maintenance, and look after existing assets.

Concerns were also raised over the information on the Gipton Spa Bath House especially the section asking about its future. The bath house is owned by Leeds City Council and the Group do not want to take ownership of a Grade II listed building and then have to restore it.

Some members felt our process was failing as the proposals on the information posters had not had any formal discussion. The process of the Group should be maintained and ideas should be discussed by the Trustees and subsequently discussed by the Steering Group to decide whether or not to take them forward and how.

It was also felt some areas of the woods had been neglected due to the focus being on a few large projects.

It was agreed that the FGVW logo would be removed from the information posters and where public views were requested then any responses were directed to other groups, with their permission, to take the ideas forward. David agreed to take the posters away and re-write and discuss with other groups.

It was agreed that all ideas should be discussed at the Steering Group Meetings and referred to the Trustees for decisions as and when required for all projects going forward.

8. Gledhow Summer Fair 2024

The Group are attending the Gledhow Primary School Summer Fair on 22nd June from 1pm until 4pm at Gledhow Primary School. The Group plan to sell coasters, bird boxes and cards. The card reader, display boards, banner and a gazebo will need to be taken to the event.

9. AOB

  • The Group agreed to promote a local campaign for collecting aluminium cans for charity in the FGVW Update e-mail newsletter.
  • A teller is required for the AGM. Martin agreed to ask Claire.
  • Tom from Leeds Coppice Workers has agreed to help with some additional maintenance.

10. Dates of Next Meetings (Provisional)

  • Action Morning - Sun 16 Jun 2024
  • FGVW AGM - Thu 27 Jun 2024
  • Steering Group Meeting - Thu 18 Jul 2024
  • Action Morning - Sun 28 Jul 2024
  • Steering Group Meeting - Thu 8 Aug 2024
  • Action Morning - Sun 18 Aug 2024
  • Steering Group Meeting - Thu 12 Sep 2024
  • Action Morning - Sun 22 Sep 2024
  • Steering Group Meeting - Thu 10 Oct 2024
  • Action Morning - Sun 20 Oct 2024

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