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Minutes of Steering Group Meeting
18th July 2024

Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Adam & Carol Bull, Adrian Coltman, Steve Jones-Blackett, Emily Wilde, Theresa Williams.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 13th June 2024
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Action Mornings
  5. Trustees Update
  1. Project to Eradicate Bamboo and Knotweed and Create Wetland off Gledhow Lane
  2. Green Fair - One Day Closure of Gledhow Valley Road
  3. AOB
  4. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

David Miles, Claire Johnson, Jeremy Kitto.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 13th June 2024

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • The Group attended the Gledhow School Fair. The footfall was relatively low but it was a nice event.
  • Repairs have been completed on the leaking pond.
  • The FGVW AGM went well. Martin to upload the Trustees Annual Report to the Charities Commission.

4. Action Mornings

  • Sunday 16 June 2024
    Path clearing, tree thinning and litter picking. Top path maintenance and nettles were removed. The dead hedge where the laurel was removed is now becoming a live hedge!
  • Sunday 21 July 2024
    Tree thinning, path clearing, hedge trimming and litter picking. Volunteers to meet at Beck Pasture.

5. Trustees Update

  • None.

6. Project to Eradicate Bamboo and Knotweed and Create Wetland off Gledhow Lane

An issue has arisen over potential road subsidence due to the bamboo being near to the footpath and main road. Any survey costs would need to be taken from the grant. Vicki Nunns at Leeds City Council has confirmed that the work needs to be completed 2 metres from the edge of the road.

There are 2 financial cost issues:

  1. We haven't yet seen a full report of what is being done and how much it will cost.
  2. We have got 3 grants and are waiting for Yorkshire Water. We are expecting £50k from the Leeds City Council Climate Grant , however the contract was rejected due to a clause regarding employer's liability insurance.

Steve is not going to issue any purchase orders until the 2 issues have been resolved and we have confirmation of all grants. The project is due to complete by the end of September.

This will be the final major project by the Group for the immediate future.

7. Green Fair - One Day Closure of Gledhow Valley Road

The event took place on Sunday 14th July 2024, 11am-4pm.

The Green Fair was very well received and the Group raised £1,363. The Group discussed what went well and gave suggestions as to what could be done better if the Group decided to hold this type of event again.

  • It was a long way for young families to walk along the length of Gledhow Valley Road and back.
  • Some people were struggling to find certain tents. The information had been updated at the last moment and did not match the published map. Also, the weather meant that some stall holders did not turn up.
  • There was a suggestion to have walkie talkies for key volunteers. For example, it was difficult to get in contact with volunteers along the road when a lost child was reported.
  • The road was closed later than planned but it was agreed that the road closure was done well and the volunteers did a great job. The volunteers turning cars away early so drivers didn't get frustrated driving down the side roads to turn back were particularly well received. The trees blocking the road were also a good idea.
  • There was a complaint about the level of noise and the loud music, especially as this seemed to be at odds with the objectives of the Green Fair. A suggestion was made to move the music away from the residential flats.
  • The communications to volunteers could have been improved with more detail and also more notice. Details of events and maps were only received a couple of days before the event. Also, responsibilities were changed without notice or discussion.
  • There was a suggestion to include Herd Farm if the event takes place again.
  • Initially there was a group of 4 organisers attending monthly and then weekly meetings. This suddenly increased to 8 but no one seemed to take notice of what others were saying or taking onboard suggestions. Tasks were allocated but then changed without notice or discussion. There was a suggestion to allocate tasks clearly and stick to the plan or communicate better.
  • People were asking for the questionnaire but it was not clear where this was. Steve is looking into publishing this somewhere.
  • Concerns were raised over the risk and liability of having hot water at the cake stall. The decision to do this was introduced at the last minute and should not have been accepted. Additional pressure was placed on volunteers to provide refreshments at the last minute. There was also a request for more vegan cakes.
  • There was a suggestion to include more coffee vans.

The Group will discuss at a later date whether or not it might attempt another event like this again.

8. AOB

  • The pavement is getting overgrown and so people are using the grass verges instead. There was a request to see if these can be cleared or if we can apply for a community payback type scheme to do this as we have in the past.
  • Adam to send out a request in the next newsletter for books to sell at the Chapel Allerton Festival. Also, for volunteers to contact Adrian.
  • National Open Heritage Day will take place on 8th September where the Group will open the Gipton Spa Bath House.
  • Some members of the Group met with Yorkshire Water last week and had a very good meeting. They were enthusiastic and keen to work with the Group. We gave them a list of actions and information to find out for us.

9. Dates of Next Meetings (Provisional)

  • Action Morning - Sun 28 Jul 2024
  • Steering Group Meeting - Thu 8 Aug 2024
  • Action Morning - Sun 18 Aug 2024
  • Steering Group Meeting - Thu 12 Sep 2024
  • Action Morning - Sun 22 Sep 2024
  • Steering Group Meeting - Thu 10 Oct 2024
  • Action Morning - Sun 20 Oct 2024

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