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Minutes of Steering Group Meeting
8th August 2024
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Adam & Carol Bull, Adrian Coltman, Steve Jones-Blackett, David Miles, Claire Johnson.
1. Apologies for Absence
Theresa Williams.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 18th July 2024
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
- Martin has uploaded the Trustees Annual Report to the Charities Commission.
- Some members visited York Gate Garden in Adel and met up with an expert on maintaining meadows. York Gate has similar problems to us, especially in removing hay. He suggested leaving patches and cutting the meadow at different heights, using a hand scythe, to encourage bugs and wildlife to remain in the meadows. There was also a discussion on how good to is to have a wide variety of grasses and that it's not always necessary to have lots of flowers.
4. Action Mornings
- Sunday 21 July 2024
Work completed included tree thinning, path clearing, hedge trimming in Beck Pasture and litter picking. More work is still to be done on path clearing.
- Sunday 18 August 2024
Path clearing, hedge thinning, tree thinning, pavement clearing and litter picking. Volunteers to meet at "Martin's Meadow" at the end of the lake.
5. Trustees Update
6. Project to Eradicate Bamboo and Knotweed and Create Wetland off Gledhow Lane
The plan has been changed to take account of the issue over potential road subsidence due to the bamboo being near to the footpath and main road. Work needs to be completed 2 metres from the edge of the road and more area around the tree roots is needed with more trees remaining in place. It was expected that a digger could be used and the work completed in one year. It will now be a chemical treatment done over several years. However, it's not known how much can be done in the first year. A digger will still be able to be used around the water course.
Puddle clay will be used in the wetland areas due to the success of using it when fixing the pond leak.
Some schools have been doing research in the area of the invasive plants and will be doing more after the work is done as part of their school curriculum. The West Yorkshire Bat Group are also looking to monitor the area before and after the work is completed.
The Group need to assess the funding position in line with the revised plan.
David also suggested widening the path around the bamboo clearing area using recycled material. David to send the details to the Trustees for consideration.
Following the lake project some areas look sparsely planted. We've been given £1k from Ashton's so we can use this for more planting. Extra planting is also needed near the new fascines. There is £1,300 left over from a previous project that can be used for this.
7. Green Fair - One Day Closure of Gledhow Valley Road
David will use last month's minutes as part of the wash-up meeting for the Green Fair. Also the survey results need organising and some respondents have asked for more information on the companies involved in the event. The Group also had a discussion on how to involve people who have expressed an interest in volunteering. It was suggested that they come and speak to us at the Chapel Allerton Arts Festival.
David has also completed a presentation and a report back to Climate Action Leeds.
8. Chapel Allerton Festival / Bath House Opening
The Group will being having a stall at the Chapel Allerton Arts Festival on Saturday 31 August and Sunday 1 September 2024. We will be selling FGVW cards, coasters, tote bags and books. Adrian to send out the communications for volunteers. An appeal will be sent out for books.
The Bath House will be open on Sunday 8 September from 1.30-4.30pm. An appeal will go out asking for refreshments and volunteers.
9. AOB
- We've run out of funding for E. coli testing. We could use some of our own funding for another year however, David suggested waiting until the University finds out if they have been successful with a large project they have applied for. If successful it means we won't have to send the samples away for testing.
- The land drain out of the Brackenwoods estate has been really bad recently with pollution and sewage coming through. This is possibly due to a miss-connection. David has asked for more information on this from Yorkshire Water. Adrian will also chase up Yorkshire Water following a recent site visit. It was also mentioned in the press that Yorkshire Water has received a large fine and some of the CSO monitoring is not providing accurate results.
9. Dates of Next Meetings (Provisional)
- Action Morning - Sun 18 Aug 2024
- Steering Group Meeting - Thu 12 Sep 2024
- Action Morning - Sun 22 Sep 2024
- Steering Group Meeting - Thu 10 Oct 2024
- Action Morning - Sun 20 Oct 2024
- Steering Group Meeting - Thu 14 Nov 2024
- Action Morning - Sun 24 Nov 2024