Photographs kindly supplied by Andrew D Ramsay.
This page includes information on butterflies found in Gledhow Valley Woods. At present there are details of 14 species of butterflies listed in alphabetical order by common name...
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
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Brimstone (female)
Gonepteryx rhamni
Polygonia c-album
Pyronia ti
Green Veined White
Pieris napi
Holly Blue
Celastrina argiolus
Large Skipper
Ochlodes sylvanus
Meadow Brown
Maniola jurtina
Orange Tip (male)
Anthocharis cardamines
Painted Lady
Vanessa cardui
Inachis io
Red Admiral
Vanessa atalanta
Aphantopus hyperantus
Small Tortoiseshell
Aglais urticae
Speckled Wood
Pararge aegeria
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If you can't move between photos it may be because you did not wait until the whole page had finished loading before clicking on an image - just go back to the main Plants of Gledhow Valley Woods page and wait until all the little plant images have finished appearing. Another possible cause is that JavaScript is unavailable on your web browser for some reason - in this case the larger images will open as single images and you will not be able to use the extra image browsing functions.
Note: We would be very grateful for any help you can give in completing our gallery ...if you have any photographs we can use please contact us.