Photographs kindly supplied by Andrew D Ramsay. Compiled with assistance from Steve Joul (Leeds City Council Senior Countryside Ranger) and Alan Braddock (Mid-Yorkshire Fungus Group).
This page includes information on all the fungi found in Gledhow Valley Woods. At present there are details of 75 species of fungi listed in alphabetical order by common name...
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
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- Alkaline Mycena
Mycena alcaline
- Amethyst Deceiver
Laccaria amethystina
- Artists' Bracket
Ganoderma sp.
- Artist's Fungus
Ganoderma applanatum
- Bear Lentinus
Lentinellus ursinus
- Beech Bracket
Pseudotrametes gibbusa
- Beech Disco
Hymenoscyphus fagineus
- Beech Jelly-Disc
Neobulgaria pura
- Beech Woodwart
Hypoxylon fragiforme
- Birch Bracket; Razor-Strop Fungus
Piptopurus betulinus
- Black-Purple Crumble Cap
Russula atropurpurea
- Blueing Bracket
Postia subcaesia
- Brown Birch Bolete
Leccinum scabrum
- The Bulsher
Amanita rubescens
- Butter Cap
Collybia butyracea
- Candle-Grease Mycena
Mycena inclinata
- Candle-Snuff Fungus
Xylaria hypoxylon
- Cep
Boletus edulis
associated with Birch
- Charcoal Burner
Russula cyanoxantha
- Clouded Clitocybe
Clitocybe nebularis
- Club Foot
Clitocybe clavipes
- Clustered Toughshank
Collybia confluens
- Collared Parachute
Marasmius rotula
- Common Bonnet
Mycena galericulata
- Common Cavalier
Melanoleuca polioleuca
- Common Earthball
Scleroderma citrinum
- Common Inkcap
Coprinus atramentarius
- Common Puffball; Gem-Studded Puffball; Devil's Snuff-Box
Lycoperdon perlatum
- Coral Spot
Nectria cinnabarina
- Dead Man's Fingers
Xylaria polymorpha
- The Deceiver
Laccaria laccata
- Deer Shield
Pluteus cervinus
- Ear Fungus
Auricularia auricula-judae
- Eyelash Fungus
Scutellinia scutellata
- Fairy Inkcap
Coprinus disseminatus
- Flat Oysterling
Crepidotus applanatus
- Fly Agaric
Amanita muscaria
- Freckeled Flame-Cap
Gymnopilus penetrans
- Giant Funnel
Leucopaxillus giganteus
- Giant Polypore
Merapilus giganteus
- Glistening Inkcap
Coprinus micaceus
- Hairy Curtain Crust
Stereum hirsutum
- Holly Speckle; Holly Leaf Spot
Trochila ilicina
- Honey Fungus
Armillaria mellea
- Jelly Ear
Auricularia auricula-judae
- King Alfred's Cakes
Daldinia concentrica
- Late-Season Bonnet
Mycena arcangelica
- Lumpy Bracket
Trametes gibbosa
- Milking Mycena
Mycena galopus var nigra
- Ochre Brittlegill
Russula ochroleuca
- Penny Bun
Boletus edulis
- Poison-Pie
Hebeluma crustuliniforme
- Purple Jellydisc
Ascocoryne sarcoides
- Rooting Shank
Oudemarsiella radicata
- Scarletina Bolete
Boletus luridiformis
- Shaggy Inkcap
Coprinus comatus
- Shaggy Parasol
Macrolepiota rhacodes
- Silver-Leaf Fungus
Stereum purpureum
- Small Stagshorn
Calocera cornea
- Smokey Bracket
Bjerhandera adusta
- Soft Crepidotus
Crepidotus mollis
- Stinking Dapperling
Lepiota cristata
- Stump Puffball
Lycoperdon pyriforme
- Sulphur Tuft
Hypholoma fasciculare
- Sycamore Tar Spot
Rhytisma acerinum
- Tripe Fungus
Auricularia mesenterica
- Turkey Tails
Trametes versicolor
- Variable Oysterling
Crepidotus variabilis
- Vari-Coloured Bracket
Coriolus versicolor
- Velvet Shank
Flammulina velutipes
- Velvet Shield
Pluteus umbrosus
- White Brain
Exidia thuretiana
- Witches' Butter
Exidia glandulosa
- Wood Blewit
Lepista nuda
- Wood Woolyfoot
Collybia peronata
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Note: There are still fungi which are not yet pictured. We would be very grateful for any help you can give in completing our gallery ...if you have any photographs we can use please contact us.