Sign Our Guest Book
Please tell us if you have any questions or comments about our web site or its content, or if you have any suggestions for things to add to the site in the future.
Important notes...
- Because of constant "injection spamming" we have regretfully had to remove the online Guest Book form... please e-mail your Guest Book entries to us instead at:

- If possible please include your name, the town or city where you live, your age, and a whatever message you would like to appear on the Guest Book page.
We promise...
- We will never include your age or e-mail address on the web site.
- We will only include your name if you let us (just say that you'd rather remain 'anonymous' if you don't want us to include your name in the Guest Book entry).
- We will not use your e-mail address, or pass it on to any third party, unless you specifically tell us to.
To see what Guest Book entries look like once they've been added to the web site, visit the See Recent Guest Book Entries page. If you have any questions about the use to which the information will be put, please contact us.