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22nd February 2004
Action Day
The Action Day mostly involved the installation of three new wooden benches in the Gledhow Lake area of the woods. The benches were bought with part of the Green Leeds funding obtained by the Friends Group. Councillors Brenda Lancaster and Richard Harker, who both regularly attend FGVW Action Mornings and events, were present and helped with the bench installation. Some general tree trimming, drainage channel clearing, and litter collection also took place on what turned out to be a very busy and successful day.
As always, all the necessary equipment (including wood, cement and other construction material, litter picking claws, rubbish bags, gloves and spades) was supplied by the Friends to all volunteers who came.
If you have any photos or stories about past FGVW events you have attended, please contact us so we can add them to the site.