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13th June 2009
Family FunDay 2009
The Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods' 10th Annual Family FunDay was a great success thanks to all those who generously gave their time to help. The weather was wonderful - bright and sunny all day - and we definitely had our best turn-out ever, with hundreds of local people coming to take part in the fun.
As always, its aim was to help raise awareness about the Woods and the Friends group, as well as provide an afternoon of fun and entertainment for all the local community. In addition to the many activities and displays on offer, a live band provided musical entertainment and local residents brought home-made cakes and other refreshments.
Activities and events included the following...
- Meeting birds of prey, rats, bees, frogs, rabbits, lizards, spiders, chinchillas, and other wildlife guests.
- Bird box building, t-shirt designing, face painting, clay modelling, craft tent.
- "Daftasadrum" drum workshop, bug hunt, and parachute games.
- Plants stall, book & gift stall by Radish, "Wooden Tree" gift stall.
- Live entertainment from Urban Circus, and the Clifton & Lightcliffe Brass Band.
- Marquees with local community & other local interest displays.
- Home-made drinks & refreshments.
- Firefighting demonstrations.
- Information about Gledhow Valley Woods & the Friends, plus Suggestions Box.
- Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods merchandise & Hunt the Gledhow Bear game.
- Grand Raffle with over £900 worth of prizes (donated by local businesses).
The event was only possible due to the dedication and enthusiasm of the Friends Group and other members of the local community, together with the generous donations made by those attending.
We would like to say a big 'thank you' to everyone who helped... those who spent hours assembling tents all morning; those who provided home-made food for the refreshments tent; those who helped run the stalls and activities, and sold raffle tickets; those who helped pack everything away at the end of the day; and the many local businesses which generously donated raffle prizes.
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Plants stall
Refreshments tent
Bee keeper
FGVW merchandise stall
Wooden Tree gift stall
Build Your Own Bird Box
Leeds City Council Countryside Rangers
FunDay in full swing!
Grand Raffle prizes
Parachute games
Clay modelling
Meeting a barn owl
Meeting a European eagle owl
Daftasadrum drum workshop
Clifton & Lightcliffe Brass Band
Face painting
Urban Circus performance
FGVW information tent
Firefighting demonstration
Lion Learners - lizard
Lion Learners - rabbits
Exploring a fire engine
Cheerleader wins a matching Minnie Mouse cheerleader!
If you have any photos or stories about past FGVW events you have attended, please contact us so we can add them to the site.
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