The Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods' 14th Annual Family FunDay was probably the best one yet, greatly helped by the hot sunny weather (sadly missing from the previous few FunDays). Hundreds of local people came to join in the fun.
As always, its aim was to help raise awareness about the Woods and the Friends group, as well as provide an afternoon of fun and entertainment for all the local community. In addition to the many activities and displays on offer, a live band provided musical entertainment and local residents brought home-made cakes and other refreshments.
Activities and events included the following...
- Animal visitors from Morley Exotic Animal Rescue
- Award winning street entertainer Steve Faulkner
- The Corpus Christi Brass Band
- Talon Falconry birds of prey
- Children's Magic Show from Jonty the Magician
- Drum circle with Daftasadrum
- Firefighters
- Circus skills
- Parachute games
- Start birdwatching
- Bees and beekeeping
- Radish bookshop
- Bird box making
- Pick-a-bottle
- Clay modelling
- T-shirt design
- Coconut shy
- Grand raffle with hundreds of pounds worth of prizes (donated by local businesses)
- Tombola
- Plant stall
- Face painting
- Refreshments
- Local community group displays
- Find out what the Friends are doing to enhance your local woodland
- FGVW merchandise stall including coasters, mugs, postcards, greetings cards, badges, etc.
The event was only possible due to the dedication and enthusiasm of the Friends Group and other members of the local community, together with the generous donations made by those attending.
We would like to say a big "thank you" to everyone who helped... those who spent hours assembling tents all morning; those who provided home-made food for the refreshments tent and prizes for the Tombola, Raffle and Pick-A-Bottle stalls; those who helped run the stalls and activities, and sold raffle tickets; those who helped pack everything away at the end of the day; and the many local businesses which generously donated raffle prizes.
We would also like to thank The Three Hulats, J. & M Tree Services, Tesco and Yorkshire Water for their generous support of the FunDay.
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FunDay in full swing!
Plant stall
Chapel Allerton Allotments Association
Radish books & gifts
Map of the woods for visitor comments
Raffle & FGVW gifts
Meeting a big snake!
Morley Exotic Animal Rescue
Lisa meets some exotic critters!
Refreshments stall
Magicadabra magic act
FGVW Tombola
Meeting birds of prey with Talon Falconry
Build a bird box
Corpus Christi Brass Band
Beekeeper stall
A winner at Tin Can Alley
Making a fox finger puppet
Daftasadrum drum circle
Meeting firefighters
Street entertainer Steve Faulkner
Learning circus skills
Feedback on Gledhow Valley Woods
During the FunDay a large map of the woods was available for people to add comments on anything they liked or disliked, or to give suggestions for how the area might be improved. Here are the results:
Number of Responses: 138
Positive observations: 97
There were lots of great comments about woods and activities people enjoy. Here is a sample:
- "Thank you to everyone who looks after the woods."
- "Well done everyone who helps."
- "Thank you for making it buggy friendly."
- "I like the community action that keeps them well kept."
- "Love the well maintained woods."
- "The new paths are a big help in the winter and rain."
- "The new paths are great."
- "We love the woods for providing a home for the bird and wildlife population."
- "I love the woods."
- "Great to have a space to run, walk and jog."
- "We love playing in the stream."
- "Love collecting sticks and throwing them."
- Lots of comments about wild flowers including bluebells.
- Many comments about trees, and how beautiful they are through the seasons.
- A couple of comments about rope swings being great as well as 2 about den building.
- Lots of comments about the lake and the ducks and swans particularly feeding them.
- "To see wildlife a short walk from my house."
- "Bluebells and the smell of spring."
- "Oasis shelter from suburban storm."
- "Fascinating place."
- "A beautiful peaceful walk on your doorstep."
- "Even a 5 minute walk revives your day."
Negative observations: 9
- "I don't like rats" x 3.
- Cutting the verges of the road.
- Rubbish thrown from cars and littering.
- Dog poo x 3.
Suggestions/Ideas: 32
These included more rope swings, more ducks, more dog poo bins, instal a zip wire, more litter bins, picnic benches, a permanent bird hide, close off Gledhow Valley Road (on a Sunday every month), a play ground.
A few areas caused a lot of discussion and post it notes:
- Planting in the woods a focus on planting for bees and butterflies (including fruit trees).
- Creating more open green spaces within the wood. There is a link to planting.
- Clean out lake.
The feedback exercise was very positive. The woods are very highly prized by local people who value them, and the work that FGVW does is recognised and equally valued.
If you have any photos or stories about past FGVW events you have attended, please contact us so we can add them to the site.