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16th July 2017
Field Open Day 2017
Our first Field Open Day event was very successful, with loads of people visiting to learn more about field and the plants, birds and wildlife living there. Refreshments were available, as well as puzzles, quizzes and other activities for children.
It was decided to make this an annual event and next year we hope to hold it on 1st July to coincide with International Meadows Day.
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Outside the field
FGVW information tent
Drinks & refreshments
FGVW merchandise
New FGVW gift range
Field entrance
Puzzles, games & activities
Looking down towards the gate
Labelling the plants
Looking down across the field
All about bees
Path along the top of the field
Butterfly guides
Looking along the bottom of the field
Meadow wildlife guide
Red admiral caterpillar
Large skipper butterfly
Yorkshire fog
All about the field
A fluffy visitor
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