The Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods' 19th Annual Family FunDay was very successful despite a last minute dip in the weather near the end of the afternoon.. Hundreds of local people came to join in the fun.
As always, its aim was to help raise awareness about the Woods and the Friends group, as well as provide an afternoon of fun and entertainment for all the local community. In addition to the many activities and displays on offer, a live band provided musical entertainment and local residents brought home-made cakes and other refreshments.
Activities and events included the following...
- Matthew Tiffany - juggler extraordinaire
- Live music from Altofts and Normanton Brass Band
- Bees and beekeeping
- Plant sale
- Tombola
- Book stall
- Circus Skills
- Face painting
- Parachute games
- Grand raffle
- Tin Can Alley
- Firefighters
- Clay modelling
- Bird box making
- Start birdwatching
- Home-made refreshments
- The chance to out what the Friends are doing to enhance your local woodland and lake.
- FGVW gift stall including coasters, mugs, postcards, greetings cards, badges, etc.
- ...And much more!
The event was only possible due to the dedication and enthusiasm of the Friends Group and other members of the local community, together with the generous donations made by those attending.
We would like to say a big "thank you" to everyone who helped... those who spent hours assembling tents all morning; those who provided home-made food for the refreshments tent and prizes for the raffle and tombola; those who helped run the stalls and activities, and sold raffle tickets; those who helped pack everything away at the end of the day; and the many local businesses which generously donated raffle prizes. Without this help the event would not have been possible.
A few photos from the event are shown below, but there is also a huge gallery of high quality photos kindly provided by professional photographer Peter Howarth on his web site:
Click here to visit the Peter Howarth Photography web site.
Once on Peter's site click on "COLLECT" and then enter the password "FGVW" to access the gallery.
Click on any photo below to see a larger version (see Instructions for details).
Setting up the tents
Parachute games
Matthew Tiffany - juggler extraordinaire
'Hunt the Gledhow Bear' lollipop game
Splat the Rat!
Meeting firefighters
Learning circus skills
Refreshments stall
Ice cream van
Plant stall
Beekeeper stall
Start Birdwatching
Bird box making and Bug Hotels
Tin Can Alley
Hook a Duck
'Hapa Zome' with The Conservation Volunteers
Chapel Allerton Allotment Association
FGVW information and gifts
Altofts and Normanton Brass Band
Roundhay Open Gardens
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