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What's New Archive for 2015
- 10-09-15: Planning Application for Housing Now Going Through Appeal Process
- 12-07-15: 16th FGVW Family FunDay - A Great Success!
- 10-07-15: FGVW Wins Aviva Community Fund Grant
- 22-06-15: Please Help FGVW Win a Wildflower Meadow Grant
- 21-06-15: FGVW Wins 2015 "Best Team/Club" CARA Award
- 01-06-15: 16th FGVW Family FunDay Coming 13 June 2015
- 04-05-15: FGVW Grant Application Needs Your Votes
- 07-01-15: FGVW AGM Coming Friday 23 January 2015!
- What's New Archives for 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001
10 September 2015
Planning Application for Housing Now Going Through Appeal Process
With regard to the appeal to the Department of the Environment concerning the planning application by M Tojagic and the Diocese of Leeds to build 13 houses on two fields adjoining Gledhow Valley Road. Application 14/04524/OT.
The developers have produced a report which is extremely dismissive of the 500 objections that were received. They have tried to refute the reasons for refusal of planning permission, suggesting that "the existing site doesn't make a positive contribution to the character of the Conservation Area", that "the proposed development will enhance the character of the site and not harm existing views", that "public transport accessibility is good, within 6 mins, and the footpaths are all with made surfaces, maintained and adopted by Leeds City Council".
The facts are that the footpath on that side of Gledhow Valley Road is not adopted or maintained by Leeds City Council. The development site is situated at the bottom of a very steep valley with the nearest public transport links being on Harrogate Road (1km north along Gledhow Valley Road) or Brackenwood Drive (0.5km away eastwards up the side of Gledhow Valley). Both routes involve climbing significant inclines along unlit or poorly lit pathways and are unsuitable for those with impaired mobility or parents with young children. The site is comparatively isolated encouraging the use of private motor vehicles. A very brisk walk through the wood, up 30 very steep steps, then through the Brackenwood Estate can get a fit unencumbered person to a bus stop on Brackenwood Drive in 8 mins. A brisk walk, using a slightly better graded route, involving 47 steps takes 9 mins to Brackenwood Drive. Both these routes involve unmade surfaces, that have unlit sections, and the terrain is rough in parts. A flat walk along Gledhow Valley Road to Harrogate Road takes over 10 minutes.
All existing objections will be considered in the appeal process, but you might wish to comment further, especially if you didn't mention in your original objection, the only two reasons for refusal of planning permission by Leeds City Council Planning Services in their Delegation Report:
These two points are from the report as follows:
- "The development is unsustainable in relation to the practical distances and routes that occupiers would need to take to benefit from local services. These either being routes that exceed the minimum accepted standards or routes which by their nature would be considered unsafe or unsuitable for more vulnerable members of society by their nature through dense un-lit wooded areas, being unmade and'or being routes that would be impassable, except by able-bodied people as they are unmade paths."
- "The development would fail to preserve or enhance the Gledhow Valley Conservation Area. In particular, the proposal would introduce a suburban development in what currently comprises a verdant and wooded character, causing significant harm to the character and appearance of the Conservation Area."
To comment on this appeal, use this link, before 22 September 2015:
Then click on "Make representation" in the top right corner, then "Save and Continue", in the bottom right corner, then fill in your details, "Save and Continue" and fill in your comments.
You can also write, quoting their reference number (APP/N4720/W/15/308726), enclosing 3 copies, to:
Planning Inspectorate
Room 3/10B Eagle Wing
Temple Quay House
2 The Square
Temple Quay
Bristol BS1 6PN
Comments must be received by 22 September 2015.
Thanks for your continued support,
FGVW Core Group
12 July 2015
16th FGVW Family FunDay - A Great Success!
The Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods' 16th Annual Family FunDay was very successful, and once again we were very lucky with the weather - especially considering that at one point the event was even in danger of being cancelled due to the extremely bad forecasts. Hundreds of local people came to join in the fun, and photos can be seen in the Events Gallery.
As always, we would like to say a very big "thank you" to everyone who helped... those who spent hours assembling tents all morning; those who provided home-made food for the refreshments tent and prizes for the raffle and tombola; those who helped run the stalls and activities, and sold raffle tickets; those who helped pack everything away at the end of the day; and the many local businesses which generously donated raffle prizes. Without this help the event would not have been possible.
Details of what happened at the FunDay, including photographs and a 360 degree panorama of the event in full swing are now available in the Events Gallery.
10 July 2015
FGVW Wins Aviva Community Fund Grant
Thanks to public support we received 1,328 votes for our Meadow Regeneration scheme and were lucky enough to secure a £1, 000 grant from the Aviva Community Fund. Thank you very much to everyone who voted for us - the results were very close so every vote counted.
Read more on the Aviva Community Fund web site
22 Jun 2015
Please Help FGVW Win a Wildflower Meadow Grant
FGVW would like to create a wildflower meadow on the open area of land between the carriageway and the lake. This area was once grassland and before that presumably meadow land so we are either restoring or creating a meadow. Our first meadow at the other end of the lake is thriving and flowers from April to October, with different species coming to the fore at different times. It has been a great success as it is often alive with a variety of insects.
We have the promise of a grant for the new meadow, but for our application to succeed we need to show support from the community, saying that they think it is a good idea together with a few reasons why.
Wildflower meadows have declined drastically, by around 97% since the 1930's. To help we can either stop destroying them, restore existing ones or create new ones.
If you agree that restoring/creating a wildflower meadow is a good idea, please e-mail us with a brief message of support. Some suggestions for saying why it's a good idea are shown below, but you can put whatever you like:
- Wildflower meadows are an important wildlife habitat for many species.
- They attract a number of animal species which feed on wildflowers or other animals found in wildflower meadows, or which create a home in these meadows.
- Nectar producing flowers are frequently visited by honey bees, bumblebees and butterflies.
- Larvae of butterflies and moths graze on the leaves, while birds and other small mammals hunt for insects and search for other types of food.
- Native wildflowers play an important role in maintenance of biodiversity and a balance in the ecosystem.
Please send your messages to [email protected] by 26 June 2015.
21 Jun 2015
FGVW Wins 2015 "Best Team/Club" CARA Award
FGVW has been voted "Best Team/Club" in the 2015 CARA Chapel Allerton Community Awards. We were also a finalist in the "Contribution to the Community" section.
A huge thank you to CARA (@CaraChapelA) and everyone who helped us win.
Visit the CARA web site for more information...
01 Jun 2015
16th FGVW Family FunDay Coming 13 June 2015
The Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods invite you to their 16th Annual Family FunDay!
The FunDay brings local people together for an afternoon of fun, activities and entertainment focussing on the local woodland and the plants and wildlife that live there. There are loads of displays, activities, games and entertainments to keep the whole family busy, not to mention home-made refreshments and live music!
When & where:
- Saturday June 13th 2015 (1.30pm - 5.00pm)
Grassland area adjacent to Gledhow Valley Road and Allerton Grange Way.
Activities include:
- Animal visitors from Morley Exotic Animal Rescue
- Live music from Corpus Christie Brass Band, Alwoodley Community Choir and The Roundhay Ukulele Group
- Talon Falconry birds of prey
- Children's Magic Show from Jonty the Magician
- Drum circle with Daftasadrum
- Bees and beekeeping
- Willow craft
- Plant sale
- Radish books and gifts
- Face painting
- Parachute games
- Circus skills
- Grand raffle
- Tombola
- Tin Can Alley
- Firefighters
- Clay modelling
- Bird box making
- Start birdwatching
- Home-made refreshments
- Find out what the Friends are doing to enhance your local woodland
- FGVW gift stall including coasters, mugs, postcards, greetings cards, badges, etc.
- ...And much more!
Please can you help?
We badly need volunteers who can help out on the FunDay either by bringing food for the refreshments stall, helping to put up the tents and marquees in the morning, or helping to look after the stalls or sell raffle tickets in the afternoon.
- If you are able to spare any time, please contact us and let us know.
It doesn't matter if you can only spare an hour ...all help will be gratefully appreciated!
Have a look in the Events Gallery to find out what happened at last year's Family FunDay.
04 May 2015
FGVW Grant Application Needs Your Votes
FGVW has applied for an Aviva Community Fund grant of £1, 000 and we need your help. Our project to create a wildflower meadow is listed on the Aviva Community Fund website and you can vote for us up to 10 times. Projects with the most votes will be awarded the grants.
Please vote for us here!
07 January 2015
FGVW AGM Coming Friday 23 January 2015!
Happy New Year!
The FGVW Annual General Meeting is to be held on Friday 23 January 2015 (7.30pm onwards).
Please note that the AGM is held to receive annual reports and to elect officers only. Other business is dealt with at our regular Core Group meetings.
The Three Hulats Pub (13 Harrogate Road, Chapel Allerton) has kindly agreed to host the meeting once again. Food will be provided, and all are welcome to attend. The positions of Chair, Treasurer and Secretary are open for voting, but nominations for these posts must be received before the day.
As space is limited it would be helpful to know who is attending so please, if possible, contact us to let us know you're coming.