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What's New Archive for 2020

25 Nov 2020
Support FGVW When You Shop With Amazon

FGVW is now registered with the AmazonSmile charitable programme, which means that Amazon will automatically donate money to FGVW whenever somebody buys from them via the AmazonSmile link below:

Shopping on Amazon via the AmazonSmile link is no different to normal Amazon shopping. In particular, all the prices are exactly the same as usual and there are no extra charges. The only difference is that using the AmazonSmile link lets Amazon know that you want to support FGVW.

...So if you're going to shop from Amazon anyway, please consider going via the above link so that FGVW can benefit from a little extra help.

27 May 2020
FREE Heritage Walking Trail from the Chapel Allerton Neighbourhood Planning Group

Christine Osborne, of the Chapel Allerton Neighbourhood Planning Group, has produced a brilliant Heritage Walking Trail covering buildings of historic interest in the Chapel Allerton area.

The trail is FREE to use and can be printed off or viewed on your phone:

It's a great way to add interest to a local walk and you can dive in and out of it as you wish - you don't have to do it all at the same time, although it's possible if you want to spend the time.

It takes about 2-3 hours to complete the whole trail depending on how long you spend at each building.

26 May 2020
Have Your Say - Connecting Leeds COVID-19 Transport Response

As part of Leeds City Council's response to Covid-19, Connecting Leeds is taking emergency action to help the public safely make their essential walking or cycling trips. Enabling people to keep two metres apart will help protect the health and safety of the public.

They welcome your ideas on the themes below to help create better spaces for walking and cycling in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.

You can suggest ideas and make comments specifically centred around Gledhow Valley Woods, or on any area in Leeds.

Suggest a Scheme
Whether it's a dangerous pinch point that needs addressing, a new cycle route, or inspiration for creating quieter residential streets, they want to hear your ideas.

Creating more pedestrian space in busy public places
Help them identify a place in your local area which needs more footway space to support social distancing.

Creating more pedestrian and cycle space on main roads
Your ideas and suggestions are welcome and they will keep updating the site to show where proposals are being brought forward to get your feedback.

Maintaining quieter residential streets to support safer walking/cycling
Your ideas and suggestions are welcome and they will keep updating the site to show where proposals are being brought forward to get your feedback.

Creating more space for pedestrians and cyclists outside schools
Have your say to to help address air quality, promote active travel and maintain social distancing.

The more people involved, the better the needs of the whole community will be reflected.

Share the project with people you know locally.

22 March 2020
FGVW Events Cancelled Due to Coronavirus

To support nationwide efforts to control the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) and encourage social distancing, we have decided to cancel or postpone a number of our planned meetings and events.

We will be reassessing the situation on a month by month basis so please check with the Dates for your Diary section of the site for updates.

We are very sorry to have to take these measures but hope you will understand the necessity.

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