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What's New Archive for 2005

3rd January 2005
AGM Reminder

Please don't forget that the FGVW Annual General Meeting is to be held on Friday 6th January 2006 (8.00pm). Contact us for more details of the venue if you would like to attend the meeting.

29th November 2005
FGVW Annual General Meeting - Nominations Requested

The FGVW Annual General Meeting is to be held on Friday 6th January 2006 (8.00pm). The following positions are open to nominations:

  • Chairperson
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary

Nominations must be submitted by December 31st 2005.

Please contact us for more details of the venue if you would like to attend the meeting, or if you would like to recieve a Nominations Form.

28th November 2005
Web Site Updates

Two new articles have been added to the Press Clippings & Media Publicity section of the site:

As usual, the minutes of recent Core Group Meetings have been added to the Minutes of Core Group Meetings & AGMs section.

13th October 2005
Calendar to Film FGVW Action Morning!

Regional news programme Calendar will be filming the FGVW Action Morning on Saturday 15th October for a special news item about clean-ups. If you can help boost numbers, or would like to have a chance of being on TV, please...

Meet at the junction of Allerton Grange Way and Allerton Grange Rise at 9.30am.

Calendar will only be filming the first part of the morning, so please arrive promptly. Note that we're starting at 9.30am rather than the usual 9.45am.

We'll be clearing debris from the beck, and generally litter picking.

28th September 2005
Web Site Updates

A lot of new articles and photographs have been added to the site following the FGVW's successful appearance at the Chapel Allerton Festival and the popular opening of Gipton Spa Bath House for Leeds Heritage Open Days. Some items relate to the events themselves, whilst others were generously provided by people who visited the events.

Here are a few of the additions:

If you haven't already looked, there have also been some interesting questions asked recently in the Guest Book concerning fox hunting and Tolkien!

As usual, the minutes of recent Core Group Meetings have been added to the Minutes of Core Group Meetings & AGMs section.

29th August 2005
Gipton Spa Bath House Open to the Public

As part of Leeds Heritage Open Days, the Gipton Spa Bath House on Gledhow Valley Road will be open to the public under the supervision of FGVW members on Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th September 2005 (2.00-4.00pm).

FGVW merchandise will also be available (including postcards, Christmas cards, rulers and photos), as well as general information about the FGVW and the woods.

You can find out more about the Bath House on the Gipton Spa Bath House page, as well as on the Taking the Waters in Old Leeds page.

29th August 2005
FGVW at Chapel Allerton Festival

There will be a FGVW stall at the Chapel Allerton Festival this year on Saturday 3rd September 2005 (11.00am-5.00pm). The stall will be promoting the group, selling merchandise (including Christmas cards, postcards, rulers and photos), and providing general information about the woods, etc.

There'll also be the chance to win prizes on our "Hunt the Gledhow Valley Duck" game. In the meantime you might like to practice hunting for Duncan online on the Hunt the Gledhow Valley Duck page.

14th June 2005
"Spirit of Gledhow: Visions of the Valley" Painting Exhibition

Local artist Michael Freeman will be exhibiting his recent paintings of Gledhow Valley from 22nd June to 16th July 2005 at 'The Gallery' in Chapel Allerton (14 Stainbeck Lane, next to the original Casa Mia).

Michael has kindly allowed us to reproduce some of his work and this can be seen on his Guest Gallery page, which also explains more about the artist and his motivation.

All Friends of Gledhow Valley are invited to attend the official opening event on Friday 24th June between 7.00pm and 9.00pm.

As a supporter of the Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods' work , Michael has also very kindly offered to donate 20% of the price of any painting bought by any of the friends. To claim this donation, the buyer need only inform the gallery that they are "friends of Gledhow Valley".

For more information about the exhibition, please contact Michael directly at the following address:

Michael Freeman
34 Stainburn Road, Leeds LS17 6NN
Tel: (0113) 269 8977
E-mail: [email protected]

12th June 2005
Family FunDay 2005 a Great Success!

This year's Family FunDay went really well. The weather was warm and sunny (that's twice in a row!) and an estimated 600-800 people attended. A big thanks is due to all the FGVW Core Group and other volunteers who helped organise and run the event; to all the local shops and businesses that generously donated prizes for the Grand Raffle; to everyone who helped by donating home-made refreshments; to Tesco for also donating a few of the refreshments; to the hundreds of people who came to visit; and especially to FGVW Chair Martin Calvert who brought it all together.

Photos from the day are now available in the Events Gallery, and there's also a 360 degree panoramic image showing the event in full swing.

7th May 2005
Gledhow House Planning Application

Planning Application 30/733/04/0T is back! The owners of Gledhow House are applying for permission to build two blocks of flats on their land, together with an access road that will lead onto The Laurels. If permission is granted then this could also pave the way for other land owners in the area to consider similar developments. It goes before Plans Panel on Thursday May 12th (site visit requested).

On Wednesday May 11th at 7pm a Public Meeting will be held at The Police Sports & Social Club, Gledhow Lane, Leeds 8 to be attended by local residents, councillors, MP and representatives of local conservation and preservation groups. Leeds Planning Department have been invited. It will consider development in the Roundhay area. Fabian Hamilton has been asked to chair the meeting.

A petition against the development has been organised by local resident Tony Spice, and will be available to sign at the meeting.

If you would like to help please come along to the meeting, or contact Tony.

Time is running out!

2nd May 2005
Family FunDay 2005 Coming Soon!

Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods invite you to their 6th Annual Family FunDay

Date & Time:

  • Saturday May 14th 2005 (1.30pm - 5.00pm)


  • Grassland area adjacent to Gledhow Valley Road and Allerton Grange Way.

Come along and enjoy all the activities, learn about the woods, the Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods, and other local community groups.

Activities include:

  • Marquees with community displays, live bands and other performers, home-made refreshments.
  • Circus skills workshop, face painting, "Daftasadrum" drum workshop, parachute games, clay modelling.
  • Build a bird box or bat box, create your own "meadow in a pot", decorate a t-shirt.
  • See some "mini beasts", bees, birds of prey and other wildlife guests.
  • Find out what the Friends are doing to enhance your local woodland and calm traffic.
  • Grand Raffle with nearly £500 worth of prizes.
  • Much more...!

Have a look in the Events Gallery to find out what happened at last year's Family FunDay.

12th January 2005
Leeds City Council Tree Works on Gledhow Valley Road

The following notice has just been received from Justin Williamson (Leeds City Council Woodland Officer) for dissemination to all interested parties...

Urgent Notice of Tree Works on Gledhow Valley Road

Following several serious tree failures on Gledhow Valley Road during recent high winds parts of GVR have been closed pending the removal of a number of hazard trees.

To date 16 trees have been identified for removal and crews are making progress to remove the most urgent of these before the road is reopened.

Detailed inspections are planned for the remaining trees in the Highway verge and for large trees in the woodland areas over the next few weeks.

It is highly likely that many more of these trees will also be found to be in hazardous condition. Consultation with the Forestry Commission will be undertaken to assess any impact of tree removal on the woodland areas and any remedial measures that may need to be taken.

The hazard trees along GVR are suffering from a combination of problems including:

  • poor form, including severe lean
  • poor unions of major limbs
  • internal fungal decay of the main stem and major limbs
  • internal axial splits of the main stem
  • poor root structure
  • structural roots severed during trenching
  • tree has out grown location

Most worrying is the fact that the trees that have failed catastrophically did not show any outwardly visible signs of their poor condition. Internal decay of the tree's heartwood by fungi is often hidden from view and only becomes apparent when the tree fails. Specialist electronic imaging techniques may be required to provide a more detailed picture of the internal condition of these trees.

For further information please contact:

Steve Hookham, Forestry Manager
Bob Thorp, Assistant Forestry Manager
Steve Allen, Arboricultural Officer (NE Leeds)
Justin Williamson, Woodland Officer

3rd January 2005
Site Updates & AGM Reminder

The FGVW Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Friday 7th January 2005 at the Police Club on Gledhow Lane (opposite Lambert Avenue) at 8.00pm. Everyone is welcome to attend!

The web site has recently been updated with a lot of new articles, photos, and other information, including the following...

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