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- 12-11-02: Annual General Meeting Coming Soon!
- 12-09-02: Birds of Gledhow Valley Section Updated
- 18-06-02: New Guest Gallery Now Open
- 21-05-02: Site Update
- 15-05-02: Site Update
- 18-03-02: Family Funday Coming Soon!
- What's New Archives for 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001
12th November 2002
Annual General Meeting Coming Soon!
The FGVW Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 2nd December at 8.00pm. Yuletide refreshments will be served!
The agenda will be as follows:
- Apologies for Absence.
- Minutes of last AGM 12-12-01.
- Matters Arising.
- Chair's Report.
- Treasurer's Report.
- To Elect Officers (Chair, Treasurer, Secretary).
- Any nominations to the Chair before 25-11-02.
- To Re-Affirm Members of the Core Group.
- Any Other Business.
Nominations for Officers and/or Committee Membership need to be with Martin Calvert (FGVW Chair) by 25th November 2002.
Please contact us for more details, if you would like to attend the meeting, or if you would like to recieve a Nomination Form.
12th September 2002
Birds of Gledhow Valley Section Updated
The bird lists have now been updated in the Birds of Gledhow Valley section of the site. There are now details of 114 different species of bird, nearly half of which are accompanied by photographs.
18th June 2002
New Guest Gallery Now Open
A new Guest Gallery has now been opened in the About the Woods section of the site. This gallery includes photographs taken in and around Gledhow Valley Woods by visitors who have kindly allowed us to share them with you.
As usual minutes of all Core Group meetings have been added as they have become available, including the last meeting on Thursday 13th June.
21th May 2002
Site Update
Even more new bits added to the web site...
New pages on Traffic Calming & Pedestrian Safety and Campaigning Against Water Polution have been added to the "Examples of How the Friends are Making a Difference" section.
The Events Gallery has been updated with loads of pictures from the recent Family Funday on Saturday 18th May, incluing a 360 degree panorama of the event in full swing!
The Dates for your Diary section has also been updated, and there's even been a few new Guest Book entries.
15th May 2002
Site Update
If you haven't checked recently, there's been a lot of new bits added to the web site...
There's a whole new section entitled "Examples of How the Friends are Making a Difference" which shows examples of what the Friends actually do and how they make a real difference to Gledhow Valley Woods, the wildlife and plant life which resides there, and the people who come to enjoy the area.
The Events Gallery has been growing rapidly and includes photos from all recent Activity Days including the boardwalk building extravaganza on Saturday 27th April.
As usual minutes of all Core Group meetings have been added as they have become available, including the last meeting on Thursday 2nd May.
The Dates for your Diary section has also been updated, and there's even been a few new Guest Book entries.
18th March 2002
Family Funday Coming Soon!
Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods invite you to their 3rd Annual Family Funday
Date & Time:
- Saturday May 18th 2002 (1.30pm - 4.30pm)
- Grassland area adjacent to Gledhow Valley Road and Allerton Grange Way.
Come along and enjoy all the activities and find out just what the Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods are doing to enhance your local woodlands.
Activities include:
- Marquees with displays, live music, and fun & games.
- Have a go at making your own clay pots on a real potter's wheel, build a bird box, create your own "meadow in a pot", or make wind chimes and wishing sticks.
- Have a look at some pond beasts, a bat or two and other specially invited wildlife guests.
- See our plans for the woods and calming the traffic on Gledhow Valley Road.
- Try some home-made refreshments.
For more details, please contact Richard Lancaster.
Have a look in the Events Gallery to find out what happened at last year's Family Funday.