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What's New Archive for 2017

27 October 2017
Please Help FGVW Win a Grant to Plant a New Meadow

FGVW has again applied for an Aviva Community Fund grant of £1,000 but we need your help to succeed. Our "New Meadow for Spring" project to is listed on the Aviva Community Fund website. Projects with the most votes will be awarded the grants.

Due to the success of the wildflower meadows we have already started in the area we would like to plant a new meadow next Spring. The grant would be used to buy approximately 1200 wild flower plug plants. The area we would like to use is derelict land at the moment so it should transform it into an insect haven. The meadows offer a diverse, and attractive, habitat for the benefit of the community. Using a wide variety of planting we will attract more insects, butterflies, bees and birds to the woodland.

Voting closes at noon on 21st November 2017 but the first 200 projects to receive 1,000 votes will win their grant automatically so please vote as soon as you can!

Here's the web site where you can vote:

- https://community-fund.aviva.co.uk/voting/project/view/17-2342

If you explore the Aviva site and need to find our project again, please type "Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods" or "New Meadow for Spring" into the "Search project titles and organisations" box.

PLEASE NOTE: You can vote for us up to 10 times per person!

26 October 2017
FGVW Wins an ASDA Community Award

FGVW are the winners of the ASDA "Chosen By You, Given By Us" Green Tokens Giving scheme for the July-September period. As a result, you we are being awarded £500 from the ASDA Foundation.

Thank you very much to everyone who voted for us with their green tokens.

14 July 2017
18th FGVW Family FunDay - "Cor, Wot a Scorcher!"

The Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods' 18th Annual Family FunDay was very successful, although the scorching heat was sometimes a bit hard to cope with. We had brilliant support from the local community and hundreds of local people came to join in the fun.

As always, we would like to say a very big "thank you" to everyone who helped... those who spent hours assembling tents all morning; those who provided home-made food for the refreshments tent and prizes for the raffle and book stall; those who helped run the stalls and activities, and sold raffle tickets; those who helped pack everything away at the end of the day; and the many local businesses which generously donated raffle prizes. Without this help the event would not have been possible.

12 July 2017
FGVW Wins PAWS Grant from the Woodland Trust

A grant for £10,000 has been received from the Woodland Trust for work to help care for the beech plantation...

Some compartments of Gledhow Valley Woods are classified as Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS). These areas currently provide low biodiversity due to being made up of a single tree species and having no plant understorey. As such, these plantations have successfully attracted grant funding from the Woodland Trust through the Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods, to improve the habitat for wildlife.

The grant funding will enable existing open areas to be expanded by pollarding and felling of a small number of trees. Where possible, the trees to be felled will be failing through age or disease. Currently it is planned to pollard 6 trees and fell 14. These trees are marked with a yellow "P" and/or a yellow dot. The work is scheduled to take place in winter 2017/18. Pollarding itself creates a fantastic habitat for insects and birds, as can be seen in all the existing pollards.

Post-felling, the grant allows for re-planting with 950 whips of various tree species to provide for a robust, improved habitat for our native wildlife.

The Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods was formed in 1996 and the main reason for the formation was to improve the habitat for wildlife. FGVW is now a registered charity and promoting and improving the biodiversity is a main objective of the Charity. FGVW cares deeply about the long-term future for the Woods and are grateful to the Woodland Trust for providing the funding.

This work will build on the successful felling/pollarding schemes carried out regularly since 2004.

16 May 2017
18th FGVW Family FunDay Coming Saturday 17 June 2017

The Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods invite you to their 18th Annual Family FunDay!

The FunDay brings local people together for an afternoon of fun, activities and entertainment focussing on the local woodland and the plants and wildlife that live there. There are loads of displays, activities, games and entertainments to keep the whole family busy, not to mention home-made refreshments and live music!

When & where:

  • Saturday 17th June 2017 (1.30pm - 5.00pm)
    Grassland area adjacent to Gledhow Valley Road and Allerton Grange Way.

Activities include:

  • Animal visitors from Morley Exotic Animal Rescue
  • Matthew Tiffany - juggler extraordinaire
  • Live music from Cawthorne Brass Band
  • Atkinson Animal Antics birds of prey
  • Children's Magic Show from Jonty the Magician
  • Bees and beekeeping
  • Plant sale
  • Book stall
  • Face painting
  • Parachute games
  • Wheel of Fortune
  • Grand raffle
  • Tin Can Alley
  • Firefighters
  • Clay modelling
  • Bird box making
  • Start birdwatching
  • Home-made refreshments
  • Find out what the Friends are doing to enhance your local woodland
  • FGVW gift stall including coasters, mugs, postcards, greetings cards, badges, etc.
  • ...And much more!

Please can you help?

We badly need volunteers who can help out on the FunDay either by bringing food for the Refreshments stall, books and DVDs for the Book Stall, helping to put up the tents and marquees in the morning, or helping to look after the stalls or sell raffle tickets in the afternoon.

  • If you are able to spare any time, please contact us and let us know.

It doesn't matter if you can only spare an hour ...all help will be gratefully appreciated!

Have a look in the Events Gallery to find out what happened at last year's Family FunDay.

16 January 2017
FGVW Wins Aviva Community Fund Grant

Thanks to public support we received 1,077 votes for our Community Field Restoration scheme and were lucky enough to secure a £1, 000 grant from the Aviva Community Fund. Thank you very much to everyone who voted for us - the results were once again very close so every vote counted.

Read more on the Aviva Community Fund web site

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