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What's New Archive for 2008
- 26-11-08: Photos from the Gledhow Lake Jetty Action Day
- 25-09-08: Bath House Open Day a Great Success
- 24-09-08: The Big Tidy Up is Coming on 28 September!
- 28-08-08: Bath House Open Day Sunday 14th September 2008
- 03-07-08: FGVW Family FunDay 2008 a Great Success!
- 29-05-08: FGVW Family FunDay Saturday 14th June 2008
- 03-04-08: Medicinal Plant Walks in Gledhow Valley Woods
- 01-01-08: FGVW AGM Coming Soon!
- What's New Archives for 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001
26th November 2008
Photos from the Gledhow Lake Jetty Action Day
On Saturday 25th October 2008, around 40 volunteers turned up to spend the day rebuilding the jetty on the northern side of Gledhow Lake.
It was a huge job and work carried on from before 9am to after 4pm, with a break for a much needed barbecue lunch (many thanks to Ian & Linda for this!).
Altogether 6 wire gabions were installed at the edge of the lake, and filled with 20 tonnes of stone. A gently sloping path was also dug out, leading down to the jetty and surfaced in many more tonnes of finer stone hardcore. Finally, wooden fencing was added along the jetty edges to finish the project.
Everyone was very pleased with the result, and the Friends would like to thank all those volunteers who helped make it possible.
Photos from the day, can now be seen in the Events Gallery section of the site.
You can learn more about Gledhow Lake itself in the Photographic History section.
25th September 2008
Bath House Open Day a Great Success
As part of Leeds Heritage Open Days, the Gipton Spa Bath House on Gledhow Valley Road was opened to the public under the supervision of FGVW members on Sunday 14th September 2008 (12.00-4.00pm).
The open day was very popular, with an estimated 300-400 people turning up to find out about the building and take the guided tour. Once again we were lucky enough to have reasonable weather, although the ground was a bit soggy underfoot!
The event also helped increase general interest in the area by way of information displays and fact sheets. The Group was also able to raise money from the sale of merchandise, and from generous visitor donations.
Our thanks go to everyone who helped on the days, those who provided the home made refreshments, and everyone who came to learn a bit about the history of this little gem of a building.
More information about the event, including photos from the day, can be found in the Events Gallery section of the site.
You can learn more about the Bath House itself in the About the Woods section, as well as in Press Clippings & Media Publicity.
24th September 2008
The Big Tidy Up is Coming on 28 September!
Nobody likes litter. Now, communities across the country are declaring war on the rubbish that blights our open spaces in Britain's largest ever clear up. The Big Tidy Up 2008, organised by Keep Britain Tidy, aims to make the UK a better place to live by bringing communities together to tackle the trash. BTCV is lending a hand, organising 50 neighbourhood litter-picking events across the country.
A Big Tidy Up event for Chapel Allerton is scheduled for Sunday 28th September
Residents can do as little as just tidy their gardens, or go litter picking on the street, help garden some communal areas or an elderly neighbour's neglected garden. Just anything and everything to help get the whole village together and raise community spirit!
Since this is the same day as our Action Morning (see Dates for your Diary) this would be the perfect time to come and help tidy the woods!
For more information about the Chapel Allerton Big Tidy Up event, please contact Angie Talbot.
28th August 2008
Bath House Open Day Sunday 14th September 2008
The Gipton Spa Bath House on Gledhow Valley Road will be open to the public under the supervision of FGVW members from 12-4pm on Sunday 14th September 2008 as part of the annual Leeds Heritage Open Days event ...Come along for your free tour!
There will also be refreshments and an FGVW stall promoting the group, selling merchandise (including Christmas cards, greetings cards, and postcards), and providing general information about the Bath House, the woods, and the Group itself.
On Sunday 31st August 2008 (9.45am-12.00pm) there will be an Action Morning which will include clearing and preparing the Bath House for the Heritage Open Day. Please come along if you are able to help.
We also need help with home-made refreshments for the Bath House Open Day - if you might be able to help, please contact us.
Details of previous Bath House Open Day events, including photos, are available in the Events Gallery.
3rd July 2008
FGVW Family FunDay 2008 a Great Success!
The Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods' 9th Annual Family FunDay was a great success thanks to all those who generously gave their time to help. We were lucky enough to have good weather (apart from a couple of showers), and had perhaps our best turn-out ever, with hundreds of local people coming to take part in the fun.
We would like to say a very big 'thank you' to everyone who helped... those who spent hours assembling tents all morning; those who provided home-made food for the refreshments tent; those who helped run the stalls and activities, and sold raffle tickets; those who helped pack everything away at the end of the day; and the many local businesses which generously donated raffle prizes.
Details of what happened at the FunDay, including photographs and a 360 degree panorama of the event in full swing are now available in the Events Gallery.
29th May 2008
FGVW Family FunDay Saturday 14th June 2008
The Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods invite you to their 9th Annual Family FunDay!
The FunDay brings local people together for an afternoon of fun, activities and entertainment focussing on the local woodland and the plants and wildlife that live there. There are loads of displays, activities, games and entertainments to keep the whole family busy, not to mention home-made refreshments and live music!
When & where:
- Saturday June 14th 2008 (1.30pm - 5.30pm)
Grassland area adjacent to Gledhow Valley Road and Allerton Grange Way.
Activities include:
- Meet birds of prey, bees, hedgehogs, and other wildlife guests.
- Forestry and woodcraft displays.
- "Daftasadrum" drum workshop.
- Build a bird box, design a t-shirt, clay modelling.
- Wildlife quiz and "bug hunt".
- Storytelling by Christine McMahon.
- Plants sale, book stall by Radish, herbalist stall.
- Face painting, parachute games, wishing tree.
- Live performers including the Bassa Bassa jazz band.
- Local history and community group displays.
- Grand Raffle with hundreds of pounds worth of prizes donated by local businesses.
- Firefighting demonstrations.
- Home-made drinks & refreshments.
- Find out what the Friends are doing to enhance your local woodland.
- Much more...!
Can you help?
We badly need volunteers who can help out on the FunDay either by bringing food for the refreshments stall, helping to put up the tents and marquees in the morning, or helping to look after the stalls or sell raffle tickets in the afternoon.
- If you are able to spare any time, please contact us and let us know.
It doesn't matter if you can only spare an hour ...all help will be gratefully appreciated!
Have a look in the Events Gallery to find out what happened at last year's Family FunDay.
3rd April 2008
Medicinal Plant Walks in Gledhow Valley Woods
Local Herbalist Donald Purves is once again conducting some medicinal plant walks in Gledhow Valley Woods to coincide with Herbal Medicine Awareness Week 23-30 May 2008:
Saturday 24 May 2008 10-12am
Meet at the Old Bath House, Gledhow Valley Road
Cost = £2
Tuesday 27 May 2008 6-7pm
Meet at the Old Bath House, Gledhow Valley Road
Cost = £2
(Note: These events are not connected with the Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods)
Donald is also conducting walks at other locations, and runs various plant study workshops and herbal medicine courses. For more information, please contact Donald at:
52 Hill Top Mount
Leeds LS8 4EW
Tel: (0113) 2491711
E-mail: [email protected]
The Healing Clinic
Club Chambers
Museum Street
York YO1 7DN
1st January 2008
FGVW AGM Coming Soon!
Happy New Year!
Please don't forget that the FGVW Annual General Meeting is to be held on Friday 1st February 2008 (7.30pm for 8.00pm). Contact us for more details of the venue if you would like to attend the meeting.
Anyone wishing to attend must Contact us by Friday 25th January 2008.