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What's New Archive for 2006
- 16-11-06: Web Site Updates
- 16-10-06: FGVW Events Now Listed on BBC Breathing Places Web Site
- 01-09-06: Gipton Spa Bath House Open to the Public Again!
- 01-09-06: FGVW at Chapel Allerton Festival
- 25-07-06: Derek Belsey's New "Bird Memories" Book
- 30-05-06: FGVW to Be at BBC Springwatch Event, Temple Newsam
- 28-05-06: Big Thank You to FunDay 2006 Helpers
- 29-04-06: Family FunDay 2006 Coming Soon!
- 27-04-06: Help Needed for BBC TV Programme "Nature of Britain"
- 02-01-06: AGM Reminder
- What's New Archives for 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001
16th November 2006
Web Site Updates
There have been quite a few updates to the web site recently, including the following...
Additions to the Press Clippings & Media Publicity section:
Additions to the Guest Galleries section:
New photos have also been added to the Plants of Gledhow Valley section coutesy of Judy Howells.

16th October 2006
FGVW Events Now Listed on BBC Breathing Places Web Site
As well as listing all our upcoming events in the Dates for your diary section of this site, we have now started listing our Action Mornings on the BBC Breathing Places Web Site...
Go to www.bbc.co.uk/breathingplaces, then choose "Get involved" and select Leeds on the map.

1st September 2006
Gipton Spa Bath House Open to the Public Again!
As part of Leeds Heritage Open Days, the Gipton Spa Bath House on Gledhow Valley Road will again be open to the public under the supervision of FGVW members on Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th September 2006 (2.00-4.00pm). There will be information about the Bath House and its history, as well as guided tours of the building.
Refreshments and FGVW merchandise will also be available (including greetings cards, Christmas cards, postcards, rulers, badges, and photos), as well as general information about the FGVW and the woods.
A page of photographs, information and visitors' comments about last year's opening of the Gipton Spa Bath House is available in the Events Gallery section. The event was extremely well attended, and around 400 people came to learn about the building and take the guided tour.
You can find out more about the Bath House on the Gipton Spa Bath House page, as well as on the Taking the Waters in Old Leeds page.

1st September 2006
FGVW at Chapel Allerton Festival
There will be a FGVW stall at the Chapel Allerton Festival this year on Saturday 2nd September 2006 (11.00am-4.00pm). The stall will be promoting the group, selling merchandise (including greetings cards, Christmas cards, postcards, rulers, badges, and photos), and providing general information about the woods, etc.
There'll also be the chance to win prizes on our new "Lollipop Treasure Hunt" game!
A page of photographs from last year's FGVW Chapel Allerton Festival stall is available in the Events Gallery section.

25th July 2006
Derek Belsey's New "Bird Memories" Book
Derek Belsey has been well known for his photographic bird books and lectures for many years, and kindly allowed Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods to use some of his bird photos on our web site (see The Birds of Gledhow Valley Woods").
Unfortunately Derek has motor neurone disease and has reached an advanced stage where he cannot continue to lecture, is unable to travel, and finds speech very difficult. His latest book "Bird Memories" may well be his last and has been a real challenge, as he explains on his web site.
If you would like more information about Derek, or a copy of his latest book please see his web site at www.derek-belsey.org.uk.

30th May 2006
FGVW to Be at BBC Springwatch Event, Temple Newsam
On the first weekend in June there'll be 15 Springwatch events around the UK as part of the BBC's Breathing Places campaign. Breathing Places is a three year plan to help you to make a real difference for wildlife in your neighbourhood.
The Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods will be present at the Springwatch event at Temple Newsam in Leeds. We'll be promoting the group, giving advice to others hoping to start a Friends group themselves, selling FGVW merchandise and bird boxes, etc.
Location: Temple Newsam Estate (off the A63, Leeds)
Date: Saturday 3rd June 2006
Time: 10am - 6pm
The BBC describe the event...
"Join wildlife and conservation organisations from across Yorkshire in the lovely setting of Temple Newsam Estate in Leeds for a fun-filled Saturday for all the family.
Learn how to identify the wildlife, plants and trees around you and make habitats for the birds and the bees. Younger children can meet Gordon the Gnome and have a go at a host of exciting wildlife activities.
There'll also be a farmers' market, workshops on wildlife photography, moth trapping and pond dipping. You can even do a survey of your own garden to see how wildlife-friendly it is.
You can also meet organisations around Yorkshire who are looking for volunteers to help them with everything from planting hedges and counting birds to clearing scrubland and building walls and ponds."
You can find out more about other Springwatch Events and the Breathing Spaces campaign on the BBC web site.

28th May 2006
Big Thank You to FunDay 2006 Helpers
Despite awful weather, the Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods' 7th Annual Family FunDay was a great success thanks to all those who generously gave their time to help.
We would like to say a big 'thank you' to everyone who helped... those who spent hours assembling tents in the driving rain and mud; those who provided home-made food for the refreshments tent; those who helped run the stalls and activities, and sold raffle tickets; those who helped pack everything away at the end of the day; and the many local businesses which generously donated raffle prizes.
After a morning of heavy rain there was a at least a bit of brightness in the afternoon, and around 300-400 people came to take part in the (slightly muddy) fun.
Have a look in the Events Gallery to find out what happened at this year's Family FunDay, including photos and a 360 degree panorama.
You can also find out what the Yorkshire Evening Post said about the event in the Press Clippings & Media Publicity section.

29th April 2006
Family FunDay 2006 Coming Soon!
The Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods invite you to their 7th Annual Family FunDay.
The FunDay brings local people together for an afternoon of fun, activities and entertainment focussing on the local woodland and the plants and wildlife that live there. There are loads of displays, activities, games and entertainments to keep everybody busy, not to mention home-made refreshments and live music!
Date & Time:
- Saturday May 20th 2006 (1.30pm - 5.00pm)
- Grassland area adjacent to Gledhow Valley Road and Allerton Grange Way.
Activities include:
- Meet bees, hedgehogs, owls, frogs & other wildlife guests.
- Marquees with community & local history displays.
- Build a bird box, decorate a t-shirt, wildlife quiz.
- Plants sale & "Meadows in a pot".
- Live steel band & other performers.
- Firefighting, forestry & woodcraft demonstrations.
- Home-made drinks & refreshments.
- Face painting, "Daftasadrum" drum workshop, parachute games, clay modelling.
- Find out what the Friends are doing to enhance your local woodland.
- Grand Raffle with nearly £600 worth of prizes.
- Much more...!
Have a look in the Events Gallery to find out what happened at last year's Family FunDay.
27th April 2006
Help Needed for BBC TV Programme "Nature of Britain"
The BBC is currently filming a series of eight one-hour programmes presented by Alan Titchmarsh, scheduled for September 2007. Each programme is themed to a particular type of landscape/habitat and within each programme will be a 10 minute regional section called "Your Area".
Gledhow Valley Woods has been selected for one of the "Your Area" features and the BBC are now looking for local people who have successful and established wildlife gardens that compliment the woodland and which are regularly visited by interesting wildlife (foxes, hedgehogs, etc.).
If you think you might be able to help, please Contact us as soon as possible.
It is also possible that one of the upcoming Action Mornings and the Family FunDay might also be filmed for inclusion in the programme. See Dates for your diary 2006 for the dates and times of coming events.
2nd January 2006
AGM Reminder
Happy New Year!
Please don't forget that the FGVW Annual General Meeting is to be held on Friday 6th January 2006 (8.00pm). Contact us for more details of the venue if you would like to attend the meeting.