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What's New Archive for 2007

25th September 2007
FGVW on the BBC's Nature of Britain TV Series

The Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods will be appearing (albeit fairly briefly) in the BBC's new TV series "The Nature of Britain". Unfortunately, we don't know exactly which episode will include the Group so please keep watching...

The eight-part series, which can be seen during October and November 2007 on BBC One, is a comprehensive TV portrait of the links between Britain's plants, animals and the places where we live. Alan Titchmarsh makes an epic journey around the country to explore the huge diversity of wildlife in The Nature of Britain.

Tune in on Wednesday nights, BBC 1 at 9pm (repeated Sunday night, BBC 2 at 7pm).

In connection with this series, BBC Leeds spoke to Group Chair Martin Calvert and posted a feature on their web site. Please see Making a Difference in the Press Clippings & Media Publicity section for details.

25th September 2007
Flats Planning Permission Turned Down

The campaign by local residents against the proposed development of flats at Gledhow House has continued to be successful - the latest appeal by the devlopers has been turned down.

For more information about the history of this campaign, please see Inquiry Into Flats Plan that Hundreds Oppose in the Press Clippings & Media Publicity section.

30th August 2007
Gipton Spa Bath House Open Days Plus "Herb Walk"

As part of Leeds Heritage Open Days, the Gipton Spa Bath House on Gledhow Valley Road will again be open to the public under the supervision of FGVW members on Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th September 2007 (2.00-4.00pm). There will be information about the Bath House and its history, as well as guided tours of the building.

Refreshments and FGVW merchandise will also be available (including greetings cards, postcards, frames pictures, badges, and photos), as well as general information about the FGVW and the woods.

On the Sunday, Local herbalist Donald Purves will be conducting a "Herb Walk" at 2pm, starting from the Bath House and lasting around 45 minutes.

Photographs, information and visitors' comments from previous Bath House open days can be found in the Events Gallery section.

You can find out more about the Bath House on the Gipton Spa Bath House page, as well as on the Taking the Waters in Old Leeds page.

29th August 2007
FGVW at Chapel Allerton Festival

Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods will be having a stall at the Chapel Allerton Festival this year on Saturday 1st September 2007 (11.00am-4.00pm). The stall will be promoting the group, selling merchandise (including greetings cards, postcards, framed pictures, badges, and photos), and providing general information about the woods, etc.

There'll also be the chance to win prizes on our "Hunt the Gledhow Valley Bears" game!

Photographs from last year's FGVW Chapel Allerton Festival stall is available in the Events Gallery section... hopefully the weather will be kinder this year!

11th July 2007
Gledhow Valley Conservation Area Event a Success

On Saturday 7th July the new Gledhow Valley Conservation Area Group invited interested people to attend a Tea & Cakes event at the Old Police Club on Gledhow Lane. This featured historical and architectural details of Gledhow and Allerton Park, and also included Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods display material.

The event was very successful, with around 100 local residents turning up to find out more about the area in which they live.

Residents were able to learn about the history of Gledhow Hall, Gledhow House, Little Switzerland and the bridge, and Chapel Allerton Hall and the people who lived there. Details went back to the Fourteenth century and the Conservation Area Group are now trying to fill in the gaps through the centuries.

If you have any information or documents which could be of interest, please contact the Conservation Area Group via e-mail at [email protected]

The Group hopes to preserve the integrity of the area, the walls, the woods and the open spaces. If you wish to join the Conservation Group please get in touch.

10th July 2007
A Big Thank You to all Our FunDay Helpers!

The Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods' 8th Annual Family FunDay was a great success thanks to all those who generously gave their time to help. We were lucky enough to have good weather (after a slightly drizzly start), and hundreds of local people came to take part in the fun.

We would like to say a very big 'thank you' to everyone who helped... those who spent hours assembling tents all morning; those who provided home-made food for the refreshments tent; those who helped run the stalls and activities, and sold raffle tickets; those who helped pack everything away at the end of the day; and the many local businesses which generously donated raffle prizes.

Details of what happened at the FunDay, including photographs, will be available on the web site soon after the next Core Group meeting (Thursday 12th July 2007, 8.00pm at The Old Police Club, Gledhow Lane), during which the FunDay will be reviewed.

Please don't forget that FGVW Core Group meetings are fairly informal and friendly affairs which anyone can attend... just turn up on the day!

9th June 2007
FGVW Family FunDay Next Weekend!

The Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods invite you to their 8th Annual Family FunDay... the biggest and best one yet!

The FunDay brings local people together for an afternoon of fun, activities and entertainment focussing on the local woodland and the plants and wildlife that live there. There are loads of displays, activities, games and entertainments to keep the whole family busy, not to mention home-made refreshments and live music!

When & where:

  • Saturday June 16th 2006 (1.30pm - 5.00pm)
    Grassland area adjacent to Gledhow Valley Road and Allerton Grange Way.

Activities include:

  • Meet bees, hedgehogs, owls & other wildlife guests.
  • Build a bird box, decorate a t-shirt, wildlife quiz, "bug hunt".
  • Plants sale, book stall by Radish, herbalist stall, Animal Protection stall.
  • Live performers including Rossett Samba Band, North Leeds Jazz Orchestra, Urban Circus.
  • Face painting, "Daftasadrum" drum workshop, parachute games, clay modelling.
  • Grand Raffle with nearly £700 worth of prizes including £100 voucher for the Edinburgh Bicycle Cooperative & 4 Leeds Rhino match tickets.
  • Firefighting demonstrations.
  • Home-made drinks & refreshments.
  • Find out what the Friends are doing to enhance your local woodland.
  • Local community group displays.
  • Much more...!

Can you help?

We badly need volunteers who can help out on the FunDay either by bringing food for the refreshments stall, helping to put up the tents and marquees in the morning, or helping to look after the stalls or sell raffle tickets in the afternoon.

  • If you are able to spare any time, please contact us and let us know.

It doesn't matter if you can only spare an hour... all help will be gratefully appreciated!

Have a look in the Events Gallery to find out what happened at last year's Family FunDay.

8th June 2007
Latest Web Site Updates

There have been a lot of updates to the web site just recently, including the following...

17th April 2007
Bluebell Alert! Bluebells Now Flowering!

If you've been waiting for this year's carpeting of bluebells to appear, then now's the time to visit the woods!

The bluebells are starting to flower, and will soon be looking totally spectacular... but you've got to catch them quickly because the wonderful display doesn't always last very long.

16th April 2007
A Blueprint for Chapel Allerton

There is a new group in the area which is producing a "blueprint" for Chapel Allerton. The general aim is to influence the local authority on what should happen in Chapel Allerton and to conduct an audit of what people want to keep and is valuable and what people want to change.

The blueprint is an officially recognised process, both locally by Leeds City Council and nationally by the government.

There is a lot of work to do and volunteers are needed to help with four groups:

  • Natural Environmnet
  • Built Environment
  • Traffic and Transport
  • Sustainability

There is a meeting of the Steering Group on April 26th to which all are welcome.

If you would like to know more about getting involved then please contact:

Mike McGrath
Secretary of Chapel Allerton Blueprint Steering Group
11 Regina Drive
Leeds LS7 4LR
Tel: (0113) 262 2800
[email protected]

3rd April 2007
Discover the Medicinal Plants of Gledhow Valley Woods

Discover the health-giving properties of your local flora with Donald Purves, your local Herbalist.

Donald will be leading walks (booted) from Gipton Spa Bath House on Gledhow Valley Road, on Sunday 20th May at 2pm and Tuesday 22nd May at 6:30pm to coincide with Traditional Western Herbal Medicine Awareness Week 18-25 May 2007.

For further information about the events, please contact Donald on (0113) 249 1711 or e-mail him at [email protected]

Donald Purves is a Member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists and practises Herbal Medicine in the area.

10th March 2007
Last Chance to Object to Mobile Phone Mast!

The Bracken Edge community are currently campaigning again against an application to increase the size of the mobile phone mast at the YA Football Club on Roxholme Road.

As well as concerns regarding health they feel the mast detracts from the beauty of the woodlands on this side of Gledhow Valley Road.

The application is to increase the height of the mast from 17.5 m to 20m and the transfer of 6 antennae and 2 dishes.

Objections need to be forwarded to the following address by 14th March:

Planning Officer
Development Department
Leonard Building
2 Rossington Street
Leeds LS2 8HD

7th March 2007
More Web Site Updates

There have been more updates to the web site just recently, including the following...

7th February 2007
Web Site Updates

There have been a lot of updates to the web site just recently, including the following...

8th January 2007
AGM Reminder

Happy New Year!

Please don't forget that the FGVW Annual General Meeting is to be held on Friday 12th January 2007 (7.30 for 8.00pm). Contact us for more details of the venue if you would like to attend the meeting.

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